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Causes Of The Van 84 Error

Van 84 Error in VALORANT: Troubleshooting and Solutions

Causes of the Van 84 Error

The Van 84 error in VALORANT is typically caused by server-side issues or local internet connection problems. However, it is primarily associated with server-side problems.

Troubleshooting Steps

To address the Van 84 error, consider the following troubleshooting steps:
  1. Check Network Connection

    Check your internet connection to ensure it is stable and not experiencing any interruptions.
  2. Restart League of Legends and the Riot Client

    Close and restart the game along with the Riot Client to refresh the connection.
  3. Restart Your PC and the Riot

    Restart your computer and the Riot Client to clear any potential conflicts or issues.


While the Van 84 error can be frustrating, following these troubleshooting steps should help resolve the issue and allow you to return to your VALORANT gameplay. If the problem persists despite attempting the recommended solutions, it is advisable to contact Riot Support for further assistance.
