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Launch Details

Vanguard: A New Era of Competitive Integrity

Launch Details

Riot Vanguard is Riot Games' custom game security software designed to ensure the highest level of competitive fairness in our games. We expect to launch Vanguard in the first quarter of this year, starting with PBE. Once fully implemented, we anticipate a significant reduction in the number of cheaters plaguing League of Legends.

Kernel-Level Driver

Vanguard is a kernel-level driver designed to detect and prevent cheating. This means that it operates at a deep level within your computer's system to identify and block any suspicious activity.

Error Codes

If you encounter an error code starting with "VAN" while trying to load League of Legends, it indicates a problem with your settings that may be conflicting with Vanguard. To resolve this issue, please check your firewall, antivirus software, and any other programs that may be blocking Vanguard from running properly.
