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Czechia Gdp 2024

Czech Republic's Economic Outlook: GDP Growth, Rankings, and Forecasts


The Czech Republic, a Central European country, has witnessed steady economic progress in recent years. Its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has consistently grown, contributing to the nation's overall prosperity. This article analyzes the Czech Republic's GDP performance, exploring 2024 forecasts and ranking.

GDP Growth and Ranking

In the first quarter of 2024, the Czech Republic's GDP stood at 75333 81797 million Czech crowns, ranking 33rd globally in terms of quarterly GDP. This demonstrates the country's robust economic position among other nations. Czech Republic's GDP for 2022 was recorded at 29057B, reflecting a 3.11% increase compared to 2021. This steady growth trajectory highlights the resilience of the Czech economy.

2024 GDP Forecast

According to forecasts, real GDP in Czechia is projected to grow by 1.2% in 2024. This growth is expected to be driven by increased exports and domestic demand. Based on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), Czech Republic's GDP in 2024 is estimated to reach 552 billion international dollars.


The Czech Republic's economic outlook remains positive, with steady GDP growth and a strong ranking among global economies. The country's forecasted GDP growth in 2024 reflects its resilience and the potential for further development in the coming years.
