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Czechia Or Czech Republic

Czech Republic vs. Czechia: What's the Difference?


The Czech Republic, a landlocked country in Central Europe, has a long and complicated history. Its name has changed several times throughout the centuries, and it can be confusing to keep track of which name is the correct one.

Historical Background

The Czech Republic was historically known as Bohemia, and it was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until the end of World War I. After the war, it became an independent republic and was known as Czechoslovakia. However, it was annexed by Nazi Germany during World War II and became a communist state after the war.

Modern History

In 1993, Czechoslovakia peacefully split into two separate countries: the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The Czech Republic adopted the name "Czechia" as its short name in 1993, but it was not officially recognized by the United Nations until 2016.

Official Names

According to the United Nations, the official long and short names of the Czech Republic are:

  • Long name: Czech Republic
  • Short name: Czechia

Both names are acceptable to use, although "Czech Republic" is more commonly used in official documents.
